Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First month home...

Since I've been home, I have:
*not been put down. I'm trying to make up for lost time!
*gained weight (9 pounds, 1 ounce this morning at the pediatrician)
*been taken off of prune juice! We even tried a laxative, but I just needed time to figure things out
*succumbed to the powers of a velcro swaddle blanket. It's Mommy's secret weapon!
*started to lose my hair. I've rubbed the hair off of the back of my head with the help of my amazing neck muscles, but it's also falling out
*graduated from eye exams! I go back in six months for a follow up appointment
*discovered projectile vomiting...and then a prescription for reflux medication
*visited a few of my baby friends and new cousin
*made a date with the folks from Early Intervention
*gone to Delaware! I do NOT enjoy the carseat
*learned to kick myself forward over my Boppy and "stand up" with a lot of support from Mommy or Daddy
*started making "ooo" and "aah" sounds
*rolled from front to back a few times when Mommy propped me on my elbows
*turned five months old!
*taken a trip to Target (lots of people asked Mommy how old I was. It was funny to see their reaction when she said "five months," so eventually she just started saying "six weeks.")
*cried real tears
*smiled at Mommy and Daddy

Uncle Chad

Uncle Keith


  1. What a sweet little miracle Shay is!! :)

  2. Awwwwwwwww, I am so glad to read everything Shay has written. (hehehe) And it's wonderful to see pictures. I'm glad he has a doggy friend to play with, too. Lots of prayers have gone your way from Roanoke. I hope you felt their peace surrounding all of you.
